Sometimes I think I would like to have more comments on this blog. Not for the sake of going, "Oh, look how many comments I have! Look how many people love me!" (Love is not measureable in blog comments...nor should one try to do so.) I think mainly I just want to get some feedback.
This blog is sometimes used for an outlet of expression, but it's also a place to put forth my ideas and my thoughts. In college, I often got feedback from people either through comments in an online blog or being able to just hang out while throwing out ideas or thoughts about whatever crossed our minds. Sometimes it'd even turn into an argument or a debate. I got a call from a college friend yesterday and, over the course of our conversation, she lamented on the fact that sometimes people just don't want to throw these thoughts and ideas around and debate and argue over them. We all argued and debated constantly throughout college. It was hardly ever in anger, it was just a way we figured things out. Put forth ideas, hash through them, figure stuff out.
Sometimes it was typical collegiate subjects in academia: How many dimensions are there? Is Cartesian philosophy really flawed? Are we more controlled by nature or nurture?
Sometimes it was typical subjects of people in their late-teens and early-twenties: Why are women so confusing? What is love exactly? What am I going to do for the rest of my life?
But it was always in good fun and never caused a rupture in our friendships. In fact, we were probably stronger for it.
I'm not sure I get the same vibe in Gainesville.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not down on Gainesville (I love the people that are here), but a lot of times I see an avoidance of conflict of any kind from people and some placation instead of any debate or figuring out things. It's not like people never argue or have debates over things...but it's a different vibe. It's not a bad thing, just...different people, I guess.
But perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps it's not Gainesville. Perhaps it's just because we all lived within close quarters of each other and therefore the opportunities to just chill and chat were far more numerous. And because we were so used to acting that way around each other, when we hang out now post-college, we tend to revert to that type of I tend to only relate it to these people and that time of my life.
I dunno, I think I got off topic (most assuredly). At any rate, this wasn't a plea for more comments; it's not a complaint about anything, either--just a release of my thoughts.
I definitely talk a lot.
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I'm trying to process this in a way that is not "Gainesville people are all small talk". Perhaps I'm just not following ...
Crappit....that is totally not what I was going for.
Hmmm... I don't know if there's a way to put this that won't sound like I'm trying to take a jab at you... so uh... be it known: I'm not trying to take a jab at you. However, simply for the sake of debate, I think you analyze life and people far too much to actually enjoy either.
I do analyze life and people a lot. Probably a product of being in school for nearly 20 years.
However, I also am enjoying both of those things right now. This post wasn't a lament about how my life is bad or something, just...a reflection on things.
And i didn't take it as a jab, so you're good.
For the record, I think I got what you were trying to communicate. People here seem to avoid conflict therefore don't "hash out" ideas as much? I'd agree there is more of a "peacemaker" vibe here, which can be good and bad like anything. I think you're just noticing the differences in the two places that you lived, am I wrong? Nothing wrong with that.
see, look!
rousing debate!
I fear I have not articulated my point so well... it being 3am I won't be getting further into it tonight. However I would like to add that I personally do not believe the number of years you have been in school applies. Sure you learn analysis to a degree in school... perhaps my critique is more over what you apply that analysis to, and how far you take it.
You're right about the Gainesville people, though that point has already been made. And I think your analysis about the environment in which friendships are fostered is accurate. Not that I’m against hanging out with avid ‘church-goers’ (that would alienate me from myself) but I’ve noticed that in those relationships there tends to be a different vibe, a different level of expectations, than if I had originally met said church-goer in a different, say more secular, environment. Also, you had 4 years to develop friendships at Berry, so give Gainesville some time. Now that I know you’re looking for a good debate, I’ll try to accommodate. Yea for rhyming. Let me know if you ever want to talk about my favorite topic: genocide. I’m also quite passionate about gun control, abortion, nature vs. nurture, race, America’s future in the post modern era, original sin, and contemporary culture and its degrading effects on children. So next time I see you we’ll pick out a topic and get our Socratic method on!
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