Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ups and Downs, But I'm looking ahead.

So now it's that time again. End of August. End of Summer. Well, maybe just the end of the 'Idea of Summer'.

School is back in full-swing. It's almost like I never left.

Except I did.

And things changed (don't they always?).

But I'm ok with that. Change can be good. It can be great. It can be scary. It can be all of the above.

I have so many reasons to be thankful.

Although, I re-did my budget for the next 11 months and the gas and food price hike is kind of killing me. Also some things that popped up that I did not expect. Also I miscalculated last time I did a huge re-haul (3 or 4 months ago) and somehow, now, after double-, triple-, quadruple-checking, I am 500$ short from where I thought I once was. Oops. Not a great mistake to make.

Not so thankful for that, but it will work out.

Alright, I guess I should start working and get back into school mode.

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