Sunday, October 07, 2007

Do I have to create a title?

I'm not tired.

Maybe it's because I had about four cups of coffee only like 7 hours ago.

Maybe it's because I've been waking up pretty late the past couple of days.

Maybe it's because I've got a lot running through my mind.


It was good going to small group tonight. It's been a long time since I've had some sort of church-like community to be a part of. I miss it. I also like that I'm getting to know more people here. I feel a little weird, like I'm jumping into someone else's community, but I'm very welcomed. I guess if they don't want me they should be more forceful about it, lol.

I've been thinking about some things recently. Well mainly one thing. (Sidenote: I tend to think a lot about things and then once I've gathered my thoughts well enough--or coherently enough--I generally talk about them...but it takes time with me, I guess. I think it's frustrated people in the past, but that's just a part of who I am....) I don't know if I should be thinking about it or leaving it alone. But the thought creeps into my mind from time to time anyway....I'm not sure what to do about it.

If none of that made sense to you, don't worry, I'm not sure it made sense to me. I'm just thinking aloud (thinking on paper? digitally? Well, you get the expression, I hope).

I really want to play racquetball. Someone in this town has to play....

1 comment:

Leah said...

Glad you feel welcomed :)