Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Shower thoughts

All of my random deep thoughts come up either in the shower, while driving, or over coffee with a good friend.

Alright, so here's the thought; what do you think? :

If science is defined as an empiral study that uses a "method of discovering knowledge about the natural world based in making falsifiable predictions, testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the known data" (Dictionary via Ninja Words)

And if faith is defined by "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." or "the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; [something that] gives us assurance about things we cannot see." (Hebrews 1:11, NIV, NLT)

Then all the effort that goes into trying to prove God's existance or Christianity or anything else as such...is it all in vain? Is it actually going against what we need to be doing--just having faith? Can they coexist side by side?

What are your thoughts? Seriously. I'm curious.


Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on your motive. If you're doing it to prove to yourself that god exists in order to believe, then yeah, I'd say you've entirely missed the point.

If you happen to be digging around in the Middle-East looking for artifacts to construct a more accurate historial picture of Biblical times, for the sake of history and understanding, irrespecttive of your own faith, I'd say that's completely justified.

As for co-existence, sure. I mean, there have been plenty of scientists over the years who were believers, who just simply chalked up their work as progressing toward a greater understanding of god's universe, or just acknowledged from the get-go that their faith was faith, and couldn't be/wasn't meant to be proven via scientific method.


Leah said...

Just so you know, Hebrews 11:1 is absolutely one of my favorites.

Many will admit that a lot of conclusions in science still take a measure of faith to believe.

I also think that because God is truth and the architect of all this, there is plenty that we can point to as proof. Anyone who is into apoligetics will give an earful to whoever will listen.

But this whole thing isn't a matter of the mind or of arguments. It's spirit. And that is simply intangible. I think its imperative that as followers of Jesus to know why we believe what we do, but that if we're looking for all sort of answers for that outside of the truth God has already given us [the bible], we're going to come up way short. And so will anyone else who tries.

So. Yeah. God is truth. He MADE the science. So the lines get blurry. But you can't prove faith. Your heart has to choose God before your head ever will.

The end.