Friday, April 11, 2008



So this week is over. Time for the weekend. My birthday was Wednesday, but it feels more like today (Friday) is my birthday. I'm going out to eat with some friends, and then there's a party. It should be fun. :) I'm excited.

Another good thing I found about today, apparently, 2nd year MA students get paid .5 full time instead of .3 full time. This means that I get an extra 5000$ next year for teaching. Horray! This will be nice, since money has been quite tight recently. It's nice to have that little cushion...especially since I'm probably going to have to move after graduation and that's going to cost a pretty penny....

This weekend I have 5 short papers to write, a bibliography, and various projects I need to start/continue working on for next week. Oi.

I've also got to send my taxes in. I have them, I just keep forgetting to mail them in....

Oh, and I got into a class I didn't think I'd be able to take. Horray! Next semester should rock.

The 12 days between the end of the semester and the beginning of Summer A are going to be glorious.

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