Thursday, April 17, 2008

This works on so many levels right now.

Freedom is a powerful thing.

But it comes with a price.

One must ask oneself: is freedom worth the price? Is it possible to sacrifice only a little for some freedom and still be content? Or are we made as human beings to desire pure freedom?

I think pure freedom might scare us.

But man, it sounds wonderful.


Maggie said...

in response to your comment on my LJ (which I assume was you, you neither signed in or signed it)

I'm not sure being online is considered the face of the earth... I think the more I'm online the less actually connected to reality I am. Learning Creole would be awesome, I kind of like little Haiti, Churchill's, the british pub I hang out at from time to time is in the middle of little Haiti... yes, I go to a BRITISH pub, on JAZZ night, in little HAITI... go figure. In fact the pub coincidentally is right around the corner from the voodoo temple I went to, who knew? But then I imagine it's certainly not the only temple like that in that area, much less in little Haiti.

Most likely next year I'll be LOOSLY associated with YAV, I'll either be in an intentional community house owned by the program but inhabited by people like me who are doing other things like school our own full time ministries, etc. Or I'll be living with next year's YAV's and paying rent to the program but not *actually* in it. The house I'll be living in is in Little Havana, it's the one we call "the North House" ... YAY FOR MOVING NORTH... there is absolutely nothing in Homestead, and public trans, though it still sucks in Miami, will be a little bit better and far more effective to get me where I need to go.

As far as your own post, my thoughts are this: None of those questions matter, unless you first define freedom. However with freedom as I define it my answers are as follows: Yes, no, of course. The best things in life should scare us.

but then of course, freedom to me contains an element of being submissive to my creator... some wouldn't consider that real freedom.

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