Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wisdom. Strength. Courage.

There has been a lot of change.

It's really kinda interesting to see how the past month has progressed (wow, has it only been just over a month since I have been back from Paris?). I can't say it has all 100% been great, but there has been a lot of good...but there has also been some rough times. It's been a joy, though, to persevere through those rough times. I'm not even sure if that makes sense to anyone else, but it's how I feel.

The future is weird. Part of me would like to know what is going on and part of me thinks that would spoil the surprise of getting there and make me not live in the moment. It's like, I'd love to see how this book, movie, tv-show, whatever ends....but if I just knew the end, the adventure of reading/watching it would no longer be exciting.

I have amazing friends. I am way blessed. I do not deserve them.

Also, God is pretty freaking awesome too. Definitely don't deserve that.

But, regardless, I am glad that they are all part of my life.



Leah said...

Everyone else changed last time, so it was def your turn.

I am glad we are friends.

- #8 (not #5)

Unknown said...

It's a good story so far...we wouldn't want to spoil the ending. :-)