Tuesday, May 29, 2007

'Cause There's Just Too Many Scenarios To Analyze...

Today started out OK, I suppose.

I don't really know what happened.

Right now, however, I am feeling crappy.

I've been thinking far too much about where I'm going to live next year, how I'm going to survive living next year, why in the world a friend of mine from Berry thinks that Satan was the reason a group of us friends no longer hang out, how the crap this relationship with Maggie is going to work, how much it sucks being apart and how much that will be for the next year or so.

Gah, I'm done thinking. ever.

In other news I'll be thinking about housing all week as I will be leaving for Gainesville early tomorrow morning and coming back Sunday. Horray. :|

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, cheer up! We can feel stressed together! I kind of know how you feel in some regards, here's a look at the coming weeks in the life of Jam...

-Kris is moving in tomorrow. Two days early. While he still has massive amounts of project work to do, because Kevin is a dipshit and got Kris kicked out early.

-Maggie's moving in on Thursday

-4 projects, 2 weeks, and 1 due in just under 2 days.

-Gotta get rid of all David's stuff and scrounge together cash to send him things.

-Gotta finish getting signed up for classes

-Buy books

-Somehow find time to spend time talking to parents/neglected friends

Additionally, people who blame Satan for mindless crap don't deserve good friends. You know too many crazy (in the bad way) people.

*manly hug*

In other news, Meghan's forcing me into catching up on all of Lost this summer. Damn you. :P
